Jersey Fresh Jam 2017 Aftermath

Jersey Fresh Jam 2017 Aftermath

Press Willingboro singer-songwriter Sunnie lets light shine DJ Ahmad Shakir sets the tone for annual Jersey Jam Festival TerraCycle to host 12th annual Jersey Fresh Graffiti Jam TerraCycle to host 12th annual Jersey Fresh Graffiti Jam Blogs JERSEY FRESH JAM 2017...

Jersey Fresh Jam needs your help!!

Support our Kickstarter campaign and get some great gifts!! Support the Arts and Please help our FREE hip hop event!! Check it out at
Jersey Fresh Jam 2016 Aftermath

Jersey Fresh Jam 2016 Aftermath

Videos Press Asbury Park Press Trentonian Mercer Me Trenton Downtowner Town Topics Blogs Bloved 1 Transit Blog 7th Boro Planet Princeton Pure Graffiti Photos Gallery by Flash Jordan Photography Lo End Theory Javier Robles Anja Star Irene Castruita Gala...

Back to our regularly scheduled program

Hey, Everybody, So the forecast for Saturday is Scattered Thunderstorms. We realize this and are going to proceed with Jersey Fresh Jam at it’s regularly scheduled day and time which is Saturday August 6th Noon- 7pm. This is partially because the forecast also calls...

JFJ 2016 Performance Schedule

12:30pm DJ Flea Market 1:00pm DJ SEV-One 1:30pm DJ Kava 2:00pm Jay Math 2:20pm Animal Crackaz 2:40pm Nite Boogie (Troglodytes) 3pm -4pm B-Boy Battle and DJ Jay Biz, and DJ Soul Buck (Souljerz BBoy Crew, Dv8tors Dancers) 4pm Rich Quick, Skrewtape, Biz Mighty 4:20pm...